surfer adventure


Morro Bay Surfing | San Luis Obispo County

Surf, surf, and more surf. I love to be in the water. I have been at for 49 years and still love every session. Surfing is more than just a sport to me. In fact, it is more of a practice, a key element to my spiritual wellness, than an activity I like to do. Does that sound  a bit far out to you? If you are a surfer, it probably makes complete sense, but if you have never stood up and ridden a wave down the line, then it might sound a bit crazy. I will try to explain.

Being in the waves automatically an instantly connects you with nature! You feel the power of the waves moving lifting your body up and down, the currents pulling you in different directions, the elements literally penetrating your skin. You are immersed in nature and feel connected and inspired all at the same time. This feeling of being totally immersed in nature is a part of what makes surfing so compelling, sometimes to the point of addiction. But I believe there is more to it than that.

Surfing is Spiritual

Waves are born of wind, which itself is created from the sun as it heats the atmosphere creating temperature differences that cause air to move, storms to form and weather patterns to evolve. The sun is masculine energy and the wind it creates can be gentle and soothing, intensely strong and constant, and sometimes brutal and relentless. Wind hits the oceans (and sometimes lakes) and begins to transfer its energy into the water. Water is a feminine force, as strong as it is soft, plaint yet unyielding, fluid and flowing. As that energy builds, it grows into waves. Smaller waves are caught by larger ones and they combine to make an even bigger wave. Over hundreds, and hopefully thousands, of miles, that wave becomes a large energetic force moving through the water. So we have this masculine energetic force, moving through a fluid, feminine medium, all heading for the shore. The shore is earth, the ultimate female force. Mother earth, strong and solid, giving life and supporting all beings. When this male force, wind, flowing through the female medium, water, hits the solid ground of mother earth, there is an orgasmic explosion of cosmic forces erupting on the beach. Don’t get wrong here, this is not about human sexuality, this is the cosmic forces of creating, masculine and feminine energies, uniting to create perfect forms that exist only as long as the peel down the sand bar, reef, or point break. And when you are surfing that explosion, you feel that cosmic perfection permeating your every cell. I have never felt anything like it in all my adrenaline seeking activities. That is why surfing brings a feeling of unity with nature, your soul and the world. This is what surfing and yoga have in common.

Surfing the Central Coast of California

The Central Coast of California spans from the northern part of Santa Barbara County to Big Sur and Monterey County. The coast is exposed and picks up swell from all directions, all year round. With picture-perfect beaches, hills, and Morros as your backdrop, you can experience surging the raw energy of the Pacific and then enjoy world-class mountain biking, hiking and wine tasting in the afternoon and evenings. Call us to talk about a custom surf tour for your next getaway right here in on the Central Coast of California.

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